Saturday, August 21, 2010

My skin was torn during a brazilian bikini wax...what now?

I just had a brazilian wax done, and the girl doing it somehow ripped the skin on my inside of my labia. It's like a little fissure/crack about an inch long and was bleeding.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? Should I be worried about infection?

She put some Neosporin on it and told me to keep an eye on it...and she didn't charge for the wax (the only bright spot in this debacle.)

The place seemed pretty clean, but they do use the same wax for everyone...they use a metal spatula instead of wooden sticks to apply the wax, and they use the same spatula on multiple people. Apparently, it gets dipped in some kind of antiseptic / disinfectant between clients and heat sterilized occasionally. Ick. Never heard of ';split skin,'; as she called it, and I won't be going back to her again!My skin was torn during a brazilian bikini wax...what now?
You'll likely be ok. Since the wound is in a moist area, it may take a little longer to heal than something else like a cut on your arm. I've never heard of people getting serious infections from a bikini wax place before so you should have nothing to worry about. Keep a close eye on it, take extra care cleaning it, and neosporin won't hurt it either. If you do that it shouldn't get infected.

I hope this helps.My skin was torn during a brazilian bikini wax...what now?
Oh my GOD! That is really horrible...I feel really sorry for you.

I would worry about infection...I would shower twice a day and wear cotton underwear because they breathe well. If you live home alone, walk around naked, you labia will get more air that way and it will be better for the wound. I would also try getting those wet wipes for after you use the restroom. The key is to keep the area really clean.

I don't think I'll ever go get a brazilian wax done...ever. lol
well the good thing is that it was free......those are expensive. but using the same spatula? no way, i dont care if they dip it in antiseptic, i would demand a new clean one. your tear should get better, b/c thats what my sis gets when she has a yeast infection, she gets dry and tears, but she gets better. I would wait a week, if it dont get better then go to your doc and go back and ***** them out! lol good luck

Next time you're ready to have this done (if you're that brave), look to see if anyone in your area offers sugaring. Professional sugaring is different than the home kits. It is far less painful than waxing, because it removes hair in the direction of it's growth and it doesn't rip off skin like wax sometimes does. Make sure that they are certified by Alexandria and that they aren't using strips or sticks to remove the sugar.

The reuse of the spatula is disgusting and probably illegal!

Good luck!
omg, this happened to my friend abtar, he was getting a bikini wax[oh by the way hes gay] and it tore his balls, he bled so bad. he had to get skin removed from his butt to put on as a patch.
This happened to me but it was sugaring instead of waxing and I did it to myself--it was my first time. The area bleeds alot because there is a lot of blood vessels but the good news is it heals quickly. Whenever you go to the bathroom just rinse it off with warm water from a squeeze bottle. There really isn't any need for the neosporin if you don't want to use it. Many women who have episiotomies when giving birth just use the warm water and as a nurse I haven't seen many infections from it. As long as they change the spatula after every use and don't keep dipping it into the wax even while using it on the same person I guess that would be ok. However if you noticed that she kept dipping that same spatula into the wax time after time when she was using it on you they should be reported. God only knows what could be getting into that wax from other people--I don't care how much they heat it up. If your injured area gets red and start draining a pus like fluid see your dr.
Ouch.... Did it stop bleeding? It is an inch long? Do you think it may need stitches... i would see a doc to be safe.. if they use the same instruments on multiple people there is a good chance that it could get infected... not to mention how close it is to an area that is natural filled with bacteria.... I feel for you and hope ';it'; gets better soon...

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