Saturday, August 21, 2010

Brazilian wax boston mass?

im looking to get a brazilian wax tomorrow. does it hurt? where would you recommend? im looking around boston malden stoneham..thank you! any advice at all would be greatBrazilian wax boston mass?
If someone tells you a Brazilian wax doesn't hurt, she's lying. It hurts like crazy, although it does quickly subside and if the waxer is good at her job, it will be done in 10 minutes. So, it's 10 minutes of hell for a month of smooth. It seems like a good deal to me. Also, if you plan to keep up with the waxing, it will get easier because the hair will start growing in finer.

I've never been to Boston, so I can't recommend any particular place. I will tell you that if you can find a salon that employs actual Brazilian or Colombian women, that's your best bet.

Good luck!

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