Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Brazilian Wax Help?

I just had a Brazilian wax done at the salon yesterday. Today when I got up I have red blood bumps, they don't hurt but it's annoying and ugly right now. Any advice would be appreciated.Brazilian Wax Help?
If you havent done it before then I would expect that. I use moisturising cream, and that helps. If you go often, you'll find this problems disappears.Brazilian Wax Help?
Ouch! Your brave! Firstly, don't put anything on them incase you get a further irritation, might have to wear knickers with the type of material that doesn't irritate it. If your brave enough, ask a female pharmacist if she can give you any ointment to put on to help get rid. Good luck xx
Those bumps are where the hair follicle was ripped out of your skin. The salon worker who did your wax job should have informed you of what was gonna happen. They will clear up in a few days.

if the hair was longer than 1/2 inch i'll bet the wax didn't take all the hair away and it will be growing back quickly.

either that or the wax was too hot and gave you 'hickeys' (it goes away within a couple of days)

the hair needs to be between 1/4 and 1/2 inch. no longer and no shorter.

next time you get waxed take in an asprin and a small bowl. crush the asprin in the bowl and mix in a few drops of cold water. when the strip is ripped off apply a cotton ball or pad dipped in the asprin mix. it will help reduce any redness or swelling and the cold feels so good on it.
I'm assuming its the first time you've had it done. The more times you do it, the less irritation you will get as the skin gets used to the hair being ripped out.

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